Overcoming Grief: God’s Power in Your Life

Overcoming Grief: God’s Power in Your Life from CBN News

Do you feel overwhelmed by grief and sorrow? Perhaps a loved one has died, or your spouse has left you, or you are dealing with some sort of trauma. No matter how deep your pain, God can help you find comfort and hope.


Understanding the nature of grief can help us better cope with loss. Grief is a natural, healthy process that enables us to recover from terrible emotional wounds. People may say, “Don’t cry; your loved one is in heaven.” That may be true, but it’s important to deal with the very real pain of loss. We should not feel guilty for grieving because it is a necessary part of God’s pathway to healing.


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SHOCK: In the days and weeks immediately following a devastating loss, common feelings include numbness and unreality, like being trapped in a very bad dream.

REALITY: As the fact of the loss takes hold, deep sorrow sets in, accompanied by weeping and other forms of emotional release.

REACTION: Anger, brought on by feelings of abandonment and helplessness, may be directed toward family, friends, doctors, the one who died or deserted us, or even God.

RECOVERY: Finally, there is a gradual, almost imperceptible return to normalcy. This is a time of adjustment to the new circumstances in life.

These phases vary in duration for each person, so we should not impose a timetable upon anyone. Some people need a year or two, while others may take less time. Rushing the process can actually hinder our long-term recovery, like removing a cast before the bone is strong enough to bear weight. Grief that is left unresolved may trigger depression, alcoholism, drug abuse, or other serious problems.

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